Erte, birth name Romain de Tirtoff, was born on November 23, 1892 in St. Petersburg, Russia and died on April 21, 1990. As a child he was fixated on his dads Persian miniatures, which carried much influence throughout his career as an artist. At the age of eighteen Erte moved to France where he changed his name and began to create designs for fashion, costumes, sets, and publications. At this time his work influenced fashion, art , and design throughout the whole world and started an art movement known as “Art Deco.” He is perhaps most recognized by his works at this time, designing extravagant costumes and stage sets for the Folies-Bergère in Paris and George White’s Scandals in New York. After years of success, at the age of 75 he regained inspiration from his childhood creating works of bronze, erigraphy, lithographic prints and sculptures.
